
What is Unconditional Love?

Unconditional love is acceptance. It accepts and embraces the self and others. It knows that no-one is perfect right now and that we all have hurts that we need to heal. It knows that everyone is doing their best. Conditional love criticises. Unconditional love is balance. The male and female principles are in balance. The […]

Making Changes Easier

Sometimes we look for change, welcoming it into our lives and at other times we don’t want things to change. However, to resist change is like trying to hold back a river. We can dam it for a while, but not forever and in the meantime we have exhausted ourselves trying to hold it back. […]


Acceptance comes in 3 batches: Self Acceptance, Acceptance of Others and Acceptance when there are problems. The three steps to self-acceptance: 1) Discover your uniqueness. Each and every one of us has something which is unique. 2) Make it your signature. When you have discovered what your uniqueness is, you should put it into practice […]

Anger Handle

What happens when I get angry? Anger can sometimes give us a sense of aliveness, of being in power or a means of control. It creates a lot of stimulation in the body, and guilt in others. Why do I get angry? 1. Although something external might stimulate anger, the real cause comes down to […]

Remedies For A Restless Mind

Do you ever find yourself trying to ‘get away from yourself’, drowning your sorrows or just trying to distract yourself? All these are signs of a restless mind. What is the root cause of a restless mind? It comes down to not knowing who we are i.e. who the being that thinks and feels is. […]

Tolerance – Part One

Tolerance, what is it? Tolerance means to give and not take; I rely on my own inner resources and not on outside resources. How did we become intolerant? As spiritual beings each of us came here with our own mix of innate qualities and resources. Over time, focusing outwards, we have forgotten these inner treasures. […]


Today for many of us our trust in ourselves and others is clouded and sometimes we are not even sure if we are our negativity or not. Some signs that I am not currently trusting myself are: forgetfulness, fluctuation, procrastination, carelessness (I don’t care), laziness (I can’t be bothered), indecision, guilt, worry, confusion (I don’t know) […]

Ego – With or Without It

There are two forms of ego: one says: I am better than… and the other says: I am not as good as… So, what is it to be without ego? It is to hold a vision of equality, without comparing, accepting differences and enjoying them. With Ego: Judging/comparing others and the self Asks: how are […]

Acceptance of What is – Love What Is

Acceptance is a free choice, it gives you a sense of freedom and brings you closer to the truth. There are 3 aspects of acceptance: self-acceptance, acceptance of others and accepting the unacceptable. Self-Acceptance {no-one will accept you if you don’t first accept yourself.} 1. Make friends with yourself. Obstacle – we identify ourselves with […]

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