
Find Your Voice

Build your influence and impact Do you stand up and speak your truth? Or are you silencing your voice at the cost of your self-esteem and wellbeing? Your voice is your essence. It’s not what you say or how you say it. It’s about who you are and how you show up. Find your voice and you’ll increase your […]

Design Your Destiny

Do you believe that we influence our destiny? The answer is both yes and no. “No” because we can’t control everything that happens in our lives and the world. “Yes” because we can choose our responses and so ultimately the ‘type’ of person that we become. So, how do we move, from reacting to responding? […]

I Is For Influence

We are constantly being influenced, whether we realise it or not – it may be an upsetting comment or feeling inspired by an act of kindness. Influence is the impact people, events, ideas, sights and sounds have on us.  It’s also how we impact others and situations.  Do you lighten up the atmosphere or fill […]


What is influence? Is influence always positive? To influence is to have an effect on another’s thinking, mood or behaviour. Sometimes we confuse trying to control with influencing. Two Teachers It is that time – the end of break and time to get the children back to their lessons. One teacher decides to stand by […]

Influence: Winning Hearts and Minds

Traditionally, we link being influential to position and status; to our place within an hierarchical structure. Traditionally we are influenced by: -what we can see and measure i.e. scientific proofs. We tend to consider these to be ‘written in stone’ only if we look through time we can see how every now and then these […]

The ‘I Can’ Power of Cosmos

In life we have searched and even struggled for ‘things’ and then when we got ‘it’, ‘it’ did not give us what we needed, because we are not physical beings. Three areas of influence connected with the decision-making: 1. Inner cosmos and how we can explore and experience it. When we take our awareness away […]

The Power of Decision Making

What should we be aware of in the decision making process considering that life is not black and white? – Be aware of how free we are to choose our aim and the way to reach our aim. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Be aware of the journey […]

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