Karma and Reincarnation

Karma: action. Actions begin as thoughts and behind them there are intentions and feelings. Reincarnation: rebirth (of the conscience, the energy, the soul).

Karma is like a letter that you send and the address is yours. Everything that is happening to me now is something that I put into motion an hour, a month, a year or maybe a life ago. I am responsible for everything.We have karma with both nature and people. Sometimes when we see someone for the first time we react to them in either a positive or negative way, this means you have karma with them.

There are positive, negative and neutral actions all with the same principle behind them. When I act what is important is how my mind, conscience and feelings are engaged rather than how the action looks from outside.

Positive action is when I am truly and altruistically giving. It’s coming from a place of truth and self-respect.

How can we resolve karma?
Karma leaves a mark on the soul, not on the body. You carry your karma from this birth to the next. True justice is the law of karma.

There is instant, midterm (you vaguely remember the reason why this is happening to you) and long term return of karma (you start forgetting and ask “Why is this happening to me?”)

Royal action is when I am fully content and acting because it is the right thing to do, not because I should or I must (which has fear and worry behind it). Silence is a good space to step into and shift your feelings before you act.

When you take the responsibility:
– You start thinking ahead before you act: Where’s my intention? Am I truly at peace?
– You stop feeling like a victim and know that you have the chance to create and control your destiny.
– You see that in each situation, there is a potential to create beauty.
You can resolve your karma when you are in the true consciousness of giving every time you act.

You have two ways to resolve your karma:
1. Remember that you have set that karma.
Whatever you created you can deal with it. The creator is more powerful that the creation.

If you don’t face them now… remember that things you procrastinate about become even bigger later on. Come into self-respect and answer with peace. Then, firstly, you remain at peace; and secondly, no one remains cold to authentic love, it fosters trust. It’s like a child’s smile, melting hearts.

First be loving to the self and then be content. Soul acts, ego reacts. Instead of just reacting – keep silent. Always think of giving. It’s better to have a good relationship than to prove that you’re right, which means the other is wrong. Self-respect has nothing to do with being right; it’s to do with authenticity.

2. Change your habits with self-love and meditation:
This is the shortcut to resolve karma. We create our habits and they kick in without us realising. Meditation is the fast tract to change habits and resolve karma. It will allow you not to engage with negative habits.

Self-love changes any self-defeating habits and personality traits. Meditation is about looking at the seed (the feelings and emotions) and putting it right and developing complete self-love.

Also, help others altruistically and have a balance of taking care of the body and the soul.
You can’t avoid pain but you can avoid suffering. It’s a choice.

If you take care of the moment now, that becomes eternal. Spiritual conscience is 1000 fold to 1.

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